Thursday, April 4, 2013

Walking in the Neighborhood

Well, sure enough, I found myself getting around too late to drive to a scenic trail for an after dinner walk!  Rather than skip the exercise on a fairly pleasant day with the temperature at 50 degrees Fahrenheit, I swallowed hard and set out to walk around my subdivision.  I live outside the city limits.  The lots are large and there is the feel of being in the country.  The Bradford Pear trees have blossomed and there was an attractive weeping willow tree at the round-a-bout.

The walk along my selected route took about 35 minutes, and I made it back to the house just as darkness fell.  On the final stretch, the scenery was enhanced by my neighbor Curt's beautiful pond with walk bridge on the far end and a concrete spillway on the north end near the road.  A few years ago he erected one of those white vinyl fences which contrasts beautifully with the lush green grass that surrounds the pond and blankets the lawn of his new home.

As I descended the gentle grade approaching our property, two deer crossed the roadway in front of me at the driveway, preparing to bed down for the night as is their custom.  Sometimes there are as many as 12 or more in our backyard.  All things considered, I must was a pleasant walk, and I returned energized and in good spirits.

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